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*Important: Enter package size, weight and contents accurately. Inaccurate details will result in Shipment Delays, Additional Charges and/or Cancellation of Shipment. We do not accept cash, illegal or illicit substances for shipment. Payment of customs duties and taxes is due before merchandize is released by customs authorities. Total duties and taxes must be paid by the customer or their representative. Based on customer request, SwiftPac may undertake to pay duties and taxes on behalf of a customer. Reimbursement for duties and taxes is due immediately upon receipt of invoice and will attract 10% service charge. This policy is applicable to all SwiftPac services EXCEPT the US Mailbox Service*
Document Preparation (Brokerage) is included with Self Clearance
Document Preparation (Brokerage), Payment of Duties & Taxes and Delivery is included with Full Customs Clearance