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Zip Code | 33122 |
Phone # | (305)-470-8998 |
Prohibited and Restricted Imports
Prohibited imports are those items considered detrimental to the country’s general welfare. Customs will immediately seize such imports, and the importer may be liable to severe penalties. We advise you to check the relevant lists before importing or exporting items.
List of prohibited & Restricted Imports:

1. Counterfeit currency and coins.
2. Food unfit for human consumption.
3. Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, pornographic records, videos or any other indecent articles or matter.
4. Matches which contain white or yellow phosphorus.
5. Prepared opium and pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium or other narcotic drugs.
6. Opium, morphine, cocaine, LSD, marijuana and other narcotic drugs.
7. Preparations of opium or other narcotic drugs for smoking.
8. Any pistol or apparatus in the form of a stylographic pen or pencil capable of firing any shot cartridge whatsoever therefrom; and any cartridge containing gas.
9. Fictitious stamps and any die, paint instrument or materials capable of making any such stamps.
10. Flick knives and blades, night sticks, ratchet knives and other similar and familiar knives with flying blades.
11. All publications, articles or other matter associated with black magic, secret magic, obeah, witchcraft or other magical arts and occultism.
12. Goods the importation of which is prohibited by any other enactment of the State.
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Arms and ammunition, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Explosives; except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Handcuffs of any type except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies except under licence of the Minister of Telecommunications.
5. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under licence of the Chief medical Officer.
6. Other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs except under licence of the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Motor vehicles fitted with left hand driving control, that is to say, having the steering wheel placed so as to be controlled from the left hand side of the motor vehicle except under special permit issued by Cabinet.
8. Tear gas and any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke except with the written authority of the Minister.
9. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines or any facsimile, imitation or representation thereof, except with the approval of the Minister.
10. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, their products and derivatives, whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
11. Chain saws, except under licence from the Ministry of Agriculture.
12. Nightscope binoculars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind, generally used by the armed forces, paramilitary and other law enforcement agencies, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
1. Arms and ammunition, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Explosives; except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Handcuffs of any type except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies except under licence of the Minister of Telecommunications.
5. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under licence of the Chief medical Officer.
6. Other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs except under licence of the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Motor vehicles fitted with left hand driving control, that is to say, having the steering wheel placed so as to be controlled from the left hand side of the motor vehicle except under special permit issued by Cabinet.
8. Tear gas and any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke except with the written authority of the Minister.
9. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines or any facsimile, imitation or representation thereof, except with the approval of the Minister.
10. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, their products and derivatives, whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
11. Chain saws, except under licence from the Ministry of Agriculture.
12. Nightscope binoculars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind, generally used by the armed forces, paramilitary and other law enforcement agencies, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.

1. Base or counterfeit coin of any Country.
2. Coin legally current in Barbados or any money purporting to be legally current, not being of the established standard in weight and fineness.
3. Articles of food intended for human consumption declared by the competent public health authority to be unfit for that purpose.
4. Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings or any other indecent or obscene articles.
5. Infected cattle, sheep or other animals or carcasses thereof, and hides, skins, horns, hoofs or any other part of cattle or other animals which may be prohibited in order to prevent the introduction or spread of any communicable disease.
6. Prepared opium and pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium or the preparation of opium for smoking.
7. Fictitious stamps and any die, plate, instrument or materials capable of making any such stamps.
8. Toy guns that are capable of discharging any matter whatsoever accompanied by an explosion or a gun like sound.
9. (1) __ Fruit or vegetables, other than dried or canned, that have been grown in or conveyed through the state of Florida in the United States of America, save and except those fruit or vegetables as are accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate stating that the fruit or vegetables have been fumigated by a competent entomological officer and are free from the Mediterranean Fly.
(2) Any fruit or vegetables that are brought to Barbados by any vessel or aircraft which has cleared from any port or airport in Florida with the fruit or vegetables on board shall be deemed to have been grown in or conveyed through Florida unless proof to the contrary be given to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs.
10. Substances or chemicals within tariff heading number Ex 29.03 namely halons, carbontetrachloride, methyl chloroform, hydrobromofluorcarbons, and bromochloromethane, including any derivative or mixture thereof, which is capable of depleting the ozone layer.
11. Any types of clothing made from camouflage fabric or any item or accessories with camouflage print
12. Goods the importation of which is prohibited by any other law of Barbados.
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Arms and ammunition, except under licence issued by the Minister under the Firearms Act.
2. Cannabis sativa (known as Indian hemp or bhang), cannabis indica, choras, or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under a licence issued by the Chief Medical Officer.
3. Goods which bear a design in imitation of any currency or bank notes or coin in common use in Barbados or elsewhere unless with the approval of the Comptroller.
4. Spirits (not being liqueurs, cordials, perfumed spirits or medicinal spirits) and wine; unless specifically reported as such, and unless in aircraft, or in ships of 20 tons burden at least, and in casks and other vessels capable of containing liquids, each of such casks ar other vessels being the size or content of 9 gallons at the least or unless in glass or stone bottles properly packed in cases, or in
demijohns, each case or demijohn containing not less than one gallon.
5. Tobacco, cigars, cigarillos or cigarettes, unless specifically reported as such and unless in aircraft, or in ships of 20 tons burden at least, and unless in whole and complete packages each containing not less than 20 pounds net weight of tobacco, cigars, cigarillos or cigarettes, except that less than 20 pounds may be imported by Parcel Post.
6. Tobacco extracts, essences or other concentrations of tobacco, or any admixture thereof, tobacco stalks and tobacco stalk flour except under such condition as the Comptroller, with the approval of the Minister, acting in his discretion may either generally or in any particular case allow.
7. All goods which if sold would be liable to forfeiture under the Trade Marks Act, and also all goods of foreign manufacture bearing any name or trade mark or purporting to be the name or trade mark of any manufacturer, dealer, or trader in Barbados or the United Kingdom or any British possession, unless the trade name or trade mark is accompanied by a definite indication of the country in which the goods were made or produced.
8. Goods bearing the Royal Arms of Great Britain or arms so closely resembling the same as to be calculated to deceive unless the manufacturer of those goods holds Her Majesty’s authority to use them in connection with his trade, business, calling or profession.
9. Goods imported as ship’s or aircraft’s stores except such as are required for consumption or use by or for the ship or aircraft, its officers, crew and passengers.
10. Substances or chemicals within tariff heading number Ex 29.03 namely halons, carbontetrachloride, methyl chloroform, hydrobromofluorocarbons and bromochloromethane, including any derivative or mixture thereof, that is capable of depleting the ozone layer.
11. Substances of chemicals within tariff heading number Ex 38.24 constituting refrigerant blends that are capable of depleting the ozone layer.
12. Goods the importation of which is restricted by any other law of Barbados, in accordance with that law.
1. Arms and ammunition, except under licence issued by the Minister under the Firearms Act.
2. Cannabis sativa (known as Indian hemp or bhang), cannabis indica, choras, or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under a licence issued by the Chief Medical Officer.
3. Goods which bear a design in imitation of any currency or bank notes or coin in common use in Barbados or elsewhere unless with the approval of the Comptroller.
4. Spirits (not being liqueurs, cordials, perfumed spirits or medicinal spirits) and wine; unless specifically reported as such, and unless in aircraft, or in ships of 20 tons burden at least, and in casks and other vessels capable of containing liquids, each of such casks ar other vessels being the size or content of 9 gallons at the least or unless in glass or stone bottles properly packed in cases, or in
demijohns, each case or demijohn containing not less than one gallon.
5. Tobacco, cigars, cigarillos or cigarettes, unless specifically reported as such and unless in aircraft, or in ships of 20 tons burden at least, and unless in whole and complete packages each containing not less than 20 pounds net weight of tobacco, cigars, cigarillos or cigarettes, except that less than 20 pounds may be imported by Parcel Post.
6. Tobacco extracts, essences or other concentrations of tobacco, or any admixture thereof, tobacco stalks and tobacco stalk flour except under such condition as the Comptroller, with the approval of the Minister, acting in his discretion may either generally or in any particular case allow.
7. All goods which if sold would be liable to forfeiture under the Trade Marks Act, and also all goods of foreign manufacture bearing any name or trade mark or purporting to be the name or trade mark of any manufacturer, dealer, or trader in Barbados or the United Kingdom or any British possession, unless the trade name or trade mark is accompanied by a definite indication of the country in which the goods were made or produced.
8. Goods bearing the Royal Arms of Great Britain or arms so closely resembling the same as to be calculated to deceive unless the manufacturer of those goods holds Her Majesty’s authority to use them in connection with his trade, business, calling or profession.
9. Goods imported as ship’s or aircraft’s stores except such as are required for consumption or use by or for the ship or aircraft, its officers, crew and passengers.
10. Substances or chemicals within tariff heading number Ex 29.03 namely halons, carbontetrachloride, methyl chloroform, hydrobromofluorocarbons and bromochloromethane, including any derivative or mixture thereof, that is capable of depleting the ozone layer.
11. Substances of chemicals within tariff heading number Ex 38.24 constituting refrigerant blends that are capable of depleting the ozone layer.
12. Goods the importation of which is restricted by any other law of Barbados, in accordance with that law.

1. Counterfeit currency and coins.
2. Food unfit for human consumption.
3. Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, pornographic records, videos or any other indecent articles or matter.
4. Matches which contain white or yellow phosphorus.
5. Prepared opium and pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium or other narcotic drugs.
6. Opium, morphine, cocaine, LSD, marijuana and other narcotic drugs.
7. Preparations of opium or other narcotic drugs for smoking.
8. Any pistol or other apparatus in the form of a stylographic pen or pencil capable of firing any kind of shot cartridge whatsoever there from; and any cartridge containing gas.
9. Fictitious stamps and any die, paint instrument or materials capable of making any such stamps.
10. Condoms manufactured by MONKOK LATIX of South Korea.
11. Flick knives and blades, night sticks, ratchet knives and other similar and familiar knives with flying blades.
12. Shaving brushes made in or exported from Japan.
13. All publications, articles or other matter associated with black magic, secret magic obeah, witchcraft or other magical arts and occultism.
14. Goods the importation of which is prohibited by any other enactment of the State.
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Arms and ammunition except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Explosives, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Handcuffs of any type except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies except under licence of the Minister of Communications.
5. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under licence of the Chief medical Officer.
6. Other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs except under licence of the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Motor vehicles fitted with left hand driving control, that is to say, having the steering wheel placed so as to be controlled from the left hand side of the motor vehicle except under special permit issued by Cabinet.
8. Tear gas and any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke except with the written authority of the Minister.
9. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Lucia or any facsilile, imitation or representation thereof, except with the approval of the Minister.
10. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, their products and derivatives, whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
11. Chain saws, except under licence from the Ministry of Agriculture.
12. Nightscope binoculuars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind generally used by the armed forces, para military and other law enforcement agencies, except with the written permission of the Comptroller of Customs.
1. Arms and ammunition except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Explosives, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Handcuffs of any type except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies except under licence of the Minister of Communications.
5. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture thereof, except under licence of the Chief medical Officer.
6. Other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs except under licence of the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Motor vehicles fitted with left hand driving control, that is to say, having the steering wheel placed so as to be controlled from the left hand side of the motor vehicle except under special permit issued by Cabinet.
8. Tear gas and any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke except with the written authority of the Minister.
9. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Lucia or any facsilile, imitation or representation thereof, except with the approval of the Minister.
10. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, their products and derivatives, whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
11. Chain saws, except under licence from the Ministry of Agriculture.
12. Nightscope binoculuars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind generally used by the armed forces, para military and other law enforcement agencies, except with the written permission of the Comptroller of Customs.

1. Illegal drugs
2. Fruit and Vegetables
3. Animal & Poultry Feed – exceptions made for dog or cat food
4. Beer and strong spirits
5. Weapons and Ammunition – unless permission has been obtained
6. Pets and animals – unless permission has been obtained
7. Knives and deadly weapons
8. Counterfeit goods and money
9. Pornographic material
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Licensed firearms imported into the country must be declared upon entry. A local licence authorizing removal from the airport can be obtained from the police.
2. Any dogs or cats being imported into the country will require a special permit from the Ministry Of Agriculture stating the age, sex, colour and breed of dog and/or cat, also port of entry, time of arrival and carrier. The permit will need to be accompanied by a certificate of general health and a Rabies vaccination certificate before being allowed admittance into the country.
3. Plants and their derivative products require an import permit from the Pest Management Unit, Ministry of Agriculture
1. Licensed firearms imported into the country must be declared upon entry. A local licence authorizing removal from the airport can be obtained from the police.
2. Any dogs or cats being imported into the country will require a special permit from the Ministry Of Agriculture stating the age, sex, colour and breed of dog and/or cat, also port of entry, time of arrival and carrier. The permit will need to be accompanied by a certificate of general health and a Rabies vaccination certificate before being allowed admittance into the country.
3. Plants and their derivative products require an import permit from the Pest Management Unit, Ministry of Agriculture

1. Base or counterfeit coin or currency notes from any country.
2. Coin or currency notes legally current in Saint Christopher and Nevis or any money purporting to be such, not being of the established standard in weight and fineness.
3. Articles or food intended for human consumption declared by the competent public health authority to be unfit for such purpose.
4. Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, phonograph records, videos or any other indecent articles or matter.
5. Matches which contain white or yellow phosphorus.
6. Prepared opium and pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium or other narcotic drugs.
7. Preparations of opium or other narcotic drugs for smoking.
8. Any pistol or other apparatus in the form of a stylographic pen or pencil capable of firing any kind of shot or cartridge whatsoever or any cartridge containing tear gas.
9. Fictitious stamps or any die, plate, instrument or materials capable of making any such stamps.
10. Flick knives, gravity knives, black jack, bludgeon, switch knives and blades, night sticks, ratchet knives and other similar knives with flying blades, dagger or any sword, knife or any instrument having a blade ending up in a sharp point, which is not primarily designed for use in a profession, craft or business or for domestic use.
11. All publications, articles or other matter associated with black magic, secret magic, obeah, witchcraft or other magical arts and occultism.
12. Seditious publications, articles, prints, phonograph records or video.
13. Goods, the importation of which is prohibited by any other enactment.
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Firearms and ammunition including any lethal barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged or noxious fumes or liquid can be emitted or any accessory, component part of any such weapon or any accessory to such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or other flash caused by firing such weapon unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Shock baton, stun guns, pepper spray and mace, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Explosives, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Handcuff of any type unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
5. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies unless under licence from the Minister of Communications.
6. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis Indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture of cannabis, choras or ganja, unless under licence from the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs unless under licence from the Chief Medical Officer.
8. Any goods whatsoever which bear a design in imitation of any currency or bank notes or coin in common use in Saint Christopher and Nevis or elsewhere unless with the approval of the Comptroller of Customs.
9. Tear gas or any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke unless with the written authority of the Minister responsible for National Security.
10. Laser pointers.
11. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Christopher and Nevis or any facsimile imitation or representation thereof, unless with the approval of the Minister responsible for National Security.
12. All goods which if sold would be liable to forfeiture under the Marks, Collective Marks and Trade Names Act, Cap. 18.22, and also all goods of foreign manufacture bearing any name or trade mark or purporting to bear the name or trade mark of any manufacturer, dealer or trader in Saint Christopher and Nevis, unless such trade name or trade mark is accompanied by a specific indication
of the country in which the goods were made or produced.
13. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, (including whales, elephants, flamingos, parrots, turtles, tortoises, black coral, tree ferns and orchids), their products and derivatives, (including ivory necklaces, carvings and rings, fur coat of protected species, turtles shell combs, necklaces, bracelets and black coral jewellery), whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
14. Night scope binoculars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind generally used by the Armed Forces, Para Military and other law enforcement agencies, unless with the written permission of the Minister responsible for National Security.
15. Uniforms or clothing including camouflage clothing used by the St Kitts and Nevis Defence Force or the Royal St Kitts and Nevis Police Force or closely resembling the uniform or clothing used by the Police or the Defence Force, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
16. Ozone Depleting Substances to be restricted under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987 and specified under Annexes A to E, unless under licence from the Minister responsible for the Environment.
1. Firearms and ammunition including any lethal barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged or noxious fumes or liquid can be emitted or any accessory, component part of any such weapon or any accessory to such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or other flash caused by firing such weapon unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
2. Shock baton, stun guns, pepper spray and mace, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
3. Explosives, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
4. Handcuff of any type unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
5. Radio and television transmitting equipment, including walkie talkies unless under licence from the Minister of Communications.
6. Cannabis sativa, including parts of the plant, cannabis Indica, choras, ganja or any preparation or mixture of cannabis, choras or ganja, unless under licence from the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs unless under licence from the Chief Medical Officer.
8. Any goods whatsoever which bear a design in imitation of any currency or bank notes or coin in common use in Saint Christopher and Nevis or elsewhere unless with the approval of the Comptroller of Customs.
9. Tear gas or any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear gas or tear smoke unless with the written authority of the Minister responsible for National Security.
10. Laser pointers.
11. Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint Christopher and Nevis or any facsimile imitation or representation thereof, unless with the approval of the Minister responsible for National Security.
12. All goods which if sold would be liable to forfeiture under the Marks, Collective Marks and Trade Names Act, Cap. 18.22, and also all goods of foreign manufacture bearing any name or trade mark or purporting to bear the name or trade mark of any manufacturer, dealer or trader in Saint Christopher and Nevis, unless such trade name or trade mark is accompanied by a specific indication
of the country in which the goods were made or produced.
13. Rare or threatened species of animals or plants, (including whales, elephants, flamingos, parrots, turtles, tortoises, black coral, tree ferns and orchids), their products and derivatives, (including ivory necklaces, carvings and rings, fur coat of protected species, turtles shell combs, necklaces, bracelets and black coral jewellery), whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) unless such goods are accompanied by the appropriate permits signed by the CITES authorities in the country of exportation or importation.
14. Night scope binoculars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a kind generally used by the Armed Forces, Para Military and other law enforcement agencies, unless with the written permission of the Minister responsible for National Security.
15. Uniforms or clothing including camouflage clothing used by the St Kitts and Nevis Defence Force or the Royal St Kitts and Nevis Police Force or closely resembling the uniform or clothing used by the Police or the Defence Force, unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.
16. Ozone Depleting Substances to be restricted under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987 and specified under Annexes A to E, unless under licence from the Minister responsible for the Environment.

1. Counterfeit coins
2. Fictitious stamps
3. Food unfit for human consumption
4. Indecent or obscene articles (pornography)
5. Infected animals
6. Pistols in the form of stylographic pens or pencils
7. Any goods bearing the Coat of Arms of Dominica
8. Camouflage Print – It is an offence for person(s) to import, trade, sell or deal in military uniforms, accessories or decorations except with the approval of the Defence Board.
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Importation of Arms and Ammunition must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the Commissioner of Police.
2. Importation of gun powder, blasting powder, detonators, and explosives of any description (including fireworks and firecrackers) must be accompanied with an “Import License” from the Commissioner of Police
3. The Government of Dominica is the only legal authority to import Tear Gas into Dominica
4. Importation of wheat or meslin flour of HS heading 1101 originating from the CARICOM MDCs (Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Surinam) and extra-regional countries, must be accompanied by the relevant “Import License” from the Ministry of Trade
5. Importation of plants, plant parts, plant products, seeds, and other such regulated items must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the office of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Service of the Division of Agriculture
6. Importation of potatoes of heading 0701.90.00 must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the Ministry of Trade
7. Importation of meat must be accompanied by a “Phytosanitary Certificate” from the exporting country and an “Import Permit” from the Division of Agriculture
8. Importation of Rice in packages in excess of 10 KGs, must be accompanied by an “Import License” issued by the Dominica Import and Export Agency (DEXIA). [exception being importations by DEXIA] 9. Importation of sugar of HS heading 1701 (other than heading 1701.91.00 i.e. sugar containing added flavoring or coloring matter, and heading 1701.99.10 i.e. icing sugar), must be accompanied with an “Import Permit” issued by DEXIA with the exception being importations by DEXIA, Josephine Gabriel & Co, and Dominica Brewery & Beverages
10. Importation of pets must be accompanied by a “Health Permit” from the exporting country and an “Import Permit” from the Veterinary Department of the Division of Agriculture.
11. Importation of human remains must be accompanied by an “Official Certificate of Cause of Death”, an “Embalmers Certificate” and a “Transit Permit” stating the names and age of the deceased, all issued by the relevant authorities in the exporting country
12. Importation of radio transmission apparatus including V.H.F Radios must be accompanied with a “License” issued by the Ministry of Communication & Works authorizing the licensee to operate on specified frequencies
13. Importation of Generators 20KVA and above must be accompanied by an “Import License” from the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL)
14. Importation of cigarette making appliances, whether machine or paper must be accompanied by an “Import Permit’ from the Ministry of Health
15. The importation of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, rodenticides, acaricides, molluscicides), must be accompanied by an “Import License” from the Pesticide Control Board
1. Importation of Arms and Ammunition must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the Commissioner of Police.
2. Importation of gun powder, blasting powder, detonators, and explosives of any description (including fireworks and firecrackers) must be accompanied with an “Import License” from the Commissioner of Police
3. The Government of Dominica is the only legal authority to import Tear Gas into Dominica
4. Importation of wheat or meslin flour of HS heading 1101 originating from the CARICOM MDCs (Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Surinam) and extra-regional countries, must be accompanied by the relevant “Import License” from the Ministry of Trade
5. Importation of plants, plant parts, plant products, seeds, and other such regulated items must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the office of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Service of the Division of Agriculture
6. Importation of potatoes of heading 0701.90.00 must be accompanied by an “Import Permit” from the Ministry of Trade
7. Importation of meat must be accompanied by a “Phytosanitary Certificate” from the exporting country and an “Import Permit” from the Division of Agriculture
8. Importation of Rice in packages in excess of 10 KGs, must be accompanied by an “Import License” issued by the Dominica Import and Export Agency (DEXIA). [exception being importations by DEXIA] 9. Importation of sugar of HS heading 1701 (other than heading 1701.91.00 i.e. sugar containing added flavoring or coloring matter, and heading 1701.99.10 i.e. icing sugar), must be accompanied with an “Import Permit” issued by DEXIA with the exception being importations by DEXIA, Josephine Gabriel & Co, and Dominica Brewery & Beverages
10. Importation of pets must be accompanied by a “Health Permit” from the exporting country and an “Import Permit” from the Veterinary Department of the Division of Agriculture.
11. Importation of human remains must be accompanied by an “Official Certificate of Cause of Death”, an “Embalmers Certificate” and a “Transit Permit” stating the names and age of the deceased, all issued by the relevant authorities in the exporting country
12. Importation of radio transmission apparatus including V.H.F Radios must be accompanied with a “License” issued by the Ministry of Communication & Works authorizing the licensee to operate on specified frequencies
13. Importation of Generators 20KVA and above must be accompanied by an “Import License” from the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL)
14. Importation of cigarette making appliances, whether machine or paper must be accompanied by an “Import Permit’ from the Ministry of Health
15. The importation of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, rodenticides, acaricides, molluscicides), must be accompanied by an “Import License” from the Pesticide Control Board

1. Illegal drugs
2. Arms, explosives and ammunition
3. Knives and deadly weapons
4. Meat and meat products
5. Hazardous materials
6. Counterfeit money and goods
7. Dry ice (when traveling by air)
8. Pornographic material
List of Restricted Imports:
1. All meat products are banned from being imported unless a special application is made to the Department Of Agriculture.
2. All pets will require an import permit from the Department Of Agriculture clearing the pets of any potentially infectious diseases. Cats and dogs entering the country will also need to prove that they have been successfully vaccinated against Rabies before they can be safely admitted entrance.
1. All meat products are banned from being imported unless a special application is made to the Department Of Agriculture.
2. All pets will require an import permit from the Department Of Agriculture clearing the pets of any potentially infectious diseases. Cats and dogs entering the country will also need to prove that they have been successfully vaccinated against Rabies before they can be safely admitted entrance.

1. Illegal Drugs
2. Weapons, Explosives and Ammunition
3. Knives and deadly weapons
4. Plant and Plant products
5. Meat and meat products
6. Pets and animals
7. Counterfeit money and goods
8. Pornographic material
List of Restricted Imports:
1. All plant and plant products will require a valid import permit and a Phytosanitary Certificate in order to be granted entry into the country.
2. Only cats and dogs with an Official government issued Health Certificate and Import License will be accepted. Requirements to obtain such a license depend on country of departure and can be obtained from the “Veterinary and Livestock Division” in Antigua.
3. Poultry, livestock, and poultry products being imported must abide by the Animal Health Legislation.
4. The importation and wearing of camouflage clothing is prohibited in this country. Visitors are advised to leave such items at home to avoid confiscation.
1. All plant and plant products will require a valid import permit and a Phytosanitary Certificate in order to be granted entry into the country.
2. Only cats and dogs with an Official government issued Health Certificate and Import License will be accepted. Requirements to obtain such a license depend on country of departure and can be obtained from the “Veterinary and Livestock Division” in Antigua.
3. Poultry, livestock, and poultry products being imported must abide by the Animal Health Legislation.
4. The importation and wearing of camouflage clothing is prohibited in this country. Visitors are advised to leave such items at home to avoid confiscation.

1. Illegal drugs
2. Knives and deadly weapons
3. Firearms, Explosives and ammunition – Unless permission has been obtained
4. Meat, meat products, Plant and Plant products – Unless permission has been obtained
5. Cats and dogs – Unless permission has been obtained
6. Local currency
7. Counterfeit money and goods
8. All species of birds
9. Counterfeit money and goods
10. Animals made of goatskin such as handbags and rugs which have not already been shaven, cured and cleaned first.
11. The following and similar publications:
– All publications of de Laurence Scott and Company of Chicago in the United States of America relating to divination, magic, cultism or supernatural arts.
– All publications of the Red Star Publishing Company of Chicago in the United States of America relating to divination, magic, cultism or supernatural arts.
12. Pornographic materials
List of Restricted Imports:
1. All firearms and ammunition being imported into the country will require an Import Permit and Licence from the Police Commissioner of Customs Trade Board Firearms & Licence Authority.
2. Two way radios and other specialist communications equipment will need a licence from the Spectrum Management Authority.
3. Meat and animal products will require an inspection certificate issued by the Government Veterinary Division or Ministry of Agriculture.
4. All fruit, vegetables, plants, plant products and soil will also require a special Phyto Sanitary Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture.
5. Any pets being imported will require an import permit from the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agriculture. All cats and dogs entering the country will be inspected upon arrival and must have been born and bred in the United Kingdom and holding a valid health certificate.
6. Motor vehicles will need an import licence to be authorized by the Trade Board Limited.
1. All firearms and ammunition being imported into the country will require an Import Permit and Licence from the Police Commissioner of Customs Trade Board Firearms & Licence Authority.
2. Two way radios and other specialist communications equipment will need a licence from the Spectrum Management Authority.
3. Meat and animal products will require an inspection certificate issued by the Government Veterinary Division or Ministry of Agriculture.
4. All fruit, vegetables, plants, plant products and soil will also require a special Phyto Sanitary Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture.
5. Any pets being imported will require an import permit from the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agriculture. All cats and dogs entering the country will be inspected upon arrival and must have been born and bred in the United Kingdom and holding a valid health certificate.
6. Motor vehicles will need an import licence to be authorized by the Trade Board Limited.

1. Certain Coins – i.e. no base or counterfeit coins of any country. Neither any foreign coin that is prohibited by law to be imported into Trinidad and Tobago.
2. Any items that contain Camouflage patterns
3. Arms and ammunition, except with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police
4. Indecent obscene prints
5. Toy guns which closely resemble a real firearm
6. All goods with trademark infringements under the Trade Description Act
7. Narcotics
8. Pornography
9. Counterfeit items
10. Honey
List of Restricted Imports:
1. Pets – health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations.
2. Medication – appropriately labelled and accompanied with prescription or doctor’s note, preferably in English
3. Live poultry
4. Marine animals, plants and other creatures as well as parts and products thereof like coral, turtle, fish, lobster, and others
5. Coconut and any parts or products thereof like coconut seedlings, copra, desiccated coconut, coconut milk, and coconut cream (except Coconut oil).
6. Unrefined animals, vegetable oils and fats.
7. Dangerous chemicals like Lead Arsenate, Thallium and others. Contact Customs or nearest embassy.
8. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) as well equipment requiring use of such substances (refrigerators, dehumidifiers and parts thereof etc.)
9. Local currency of TT$ 20,000 and over needs to be declared. If you are planning to carry unusually large amount of cash please contact the nearest embassy should regulations change.
10. Foreign currency – value of 5,000 of any currency and over needs to be declared. If you are planning to carry unusually large amount of cash please contact the nearest embassy should regulations change.
11. Weaponry, ammunition, explosive and certain toy guns permissible with authorisation
1. Pets – health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations.
2. Medication – appropriately labelled and accompanied with prescription or doctor’s note, preferably in English
3. Live poultry
4. Marine animals, plants and other creatures as well as parts and products thereof like coral, turtle, fish, lobster, and others
5. Coconut and any parts or products thereof like coconut seedlings, copra, desiccated coconut, coconut milk, and coconut cream (except Coconut oil).
6. Unrefined animals, vegetable oils and fats.
7. Dangerous chemicals like Lead Arsenate, Thallium and others. Contact Customs or nearest embassy.
8. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) as well equipment requiring use of such substances (refrigerators, dehumidifiers and parts thereof etc.)
9. Local currency of TT$ 20,000 and over needs to be declared. If you are planning to carry unusually large amount of cash please contact the nearest embassy should regulations change.
10. Foreign currency – value of 5,000 of any currency and over needs to be declared. If you are planning to carry unusually large amount of cash please contact the nearest embassy should regulations change.
11. Weaponry, ammunition, explosive and certain toy guns permissible with authorisation